Phn_output for Inkscape Specification

Last Modified: 2020/05/12 02:57:38.
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  1. Disclaimer
  2. Setting
  3. How to use
  4. SVG <--> Algodoo table


This script is checked with Inkscape 1.0.0.
Please use this script with no warranty.
NOTE: There are source files in zip file.


Move [] and [phn_output.inx] -- which are included in zip file --
into [extensions] folder.
You'll find [extensions] folder at following path
C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions
Mac OS:

How to use

Click [Save as... ] and select [Algodoo scene (*.phn)] for file type.
NOTE: You need to save as svg file if you also need a svg file.

SVG <--> Algodoo table

Size 1 inch (in) 1 meter (m) Inkscape's 1 inch equivalents Algodoo's 1 meter.
I've created example.svg, please copy and use it.

Advise for Inkscape beginner:
Grid feature can be toggled by [View]-[Grid] (shortcut-key: #)
Circles SVG: Circle Algodoo: Circle Perfect circles will be converted into Circle.
"Draw circle cake" option is off for the circles.
NOTE: SVG editor (except Inkscape) can be generated circle shaped paths which cannot be detect as circles. The shapes will be handled as Polygons.
Ellipses SVG: Ellipse Algodoo: Ellipse Ellipses will be converted into Polygons.
Rectangles SVG: Box Algodoo: Box Rectangles which is created by Inkscape's rectangle tool will be converted into Box.
SVG: Rounded Box Algodoo: Rounded Box Rounded rectangles will be converted into Polygons.
Stars SVG: Star Algodoo: Star Stars will be converted into Polygons
Star tool SVG: Star Complex Algodoo: Star Complex Star tool can generate complex shapes easily. The shapes will be converted into Polygon.
Spirals(1) SVG: Spiral Algodoo: Spiral Failure The shape converted from spiral may be not what you intended.
Spirals(2) SVG: Inkscape spiral to Plane SVG path element Algodoo: Spiral Failure 2 Polygon which has spiral shaped surface will be created.
In this case, the end and start points will be connected automatically (red line in the picture).
to path)
SVG: Spiral stroke to path Algodoo: Spiral How to convert spiral correctly:
Select the shape and click [Path] - [Stroke to path]
(shortcut-key: Ctrl+Alt+C)
Text SVG: Text Algodoo: Text Text cannot be handled, yet.
Text shaped
SVG: Text path Algodoo: Text path Text shaped path can be converted into Polygons
How to convert text to path:
Select text and click [Path] - [Object to path]
(shortcut-key Shift+Ctrl+C)
3D boxs SVG: Text path Algodoo: Text path Here you are!
Planes SVG: Plane Algodoo: Plane With this specification, SVG's polyline elements is converted into Planes.
Please copy and use one in example.svg
Springs SVG: Spring Algodoo: Spring Segments will be converted into Springs.
Default damping factor is 0.1 for the springs. Adjust it by yourself.
NOTE: If the path has more than three vertex, will be converted into polygon even if the path looks like segment.
Hinges SVG: Hinge Algodoo: Hinge Circles with "Mid Markers" (marker-mid attribute), will be converted into Hinges.
The mid marker type won't affect to the result.
Motors SVG: Motor Algodoo: Motor Circles with "Start Markers" (marker-start attribute), will be converted into Motors.
The start marker type won't affect to the result.
NOTE: Motor is a kind of hinge, but you don't have to set Mid marker for motor (Start markers is enough for motor).
Tracers SVG: Plane Algodoo: Plane Circles with filter attribute, will be converted into Tracers.
The filter type won't affect to the result.
You can set filter as Blur
LaserPens SVG: LaserPen Algodoo: LaserPen Segments with "End Makers" (marker-end attribute), will be converted into Laserpens.
The end marker type won't affect to the result.
Thruster SVG: Thruster Algodoo: Thruster Segments with "Start Makers" (marker-start attribute), will be converted into Thrusters.
The start marker type won't affect to the result.

That's all! Thanks for reading!

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