v2.0.1b2 -> v2.0.1b6

== Removed elements ==

== Added elements ==
v2.0.1b6 (line=436): RenameError_X_Y : "Failed to rename \"%1%\" to \"%2%\"";
v2.0.1b6 (line=437): NewFileNameIsTaken : "Target file name already taken";
v2.0.1b6 (line=1140): Lesson_Upload_Other_Scene : "Select another scene to upload";
v2.0.1b6 (line=1779): 'drafts-new-lesson' : > 'New lesson',

== Changed elements ==
v2.0.1b2 (line=19): 26;
v2.0.1b6 (line=19): 28;

v2.0.1b2 (line=714): "Remove the transparent parts of the image from the collision mesh";
v2.0.1b6 (line=718): "Fit the collision mesh to the image by automatically removing the background. This will only work on suitable images (don't expect miracles).";

v2.0.1b2 (line=1728): > 'Key Stage 5',
v2.0.1b6 (line=1734): > 'Key Stage 6',